If you live long enough, eventually you will hear someone say how much they hate Christmas. The stress, the loneliness, the materialism, the ingratitude, and the phony baloney of the season is enough to jade even the most loyal of Santa’s elves. Let’s be honest; today, there are still many wars happening in the world, poverty and homelessness, substance addiction, crime, and so many hardships. Nothing has changed; none of this has gone away in our lifetime. In fact, it may have even become worse. So, Christmas, as the best cynic would say, what’s in it for me?
Let’s whitewash the obvious religious overtones for those who don’t celebrate the Christian religion. Choosing to embrace the essence of the season, for even a little bit with just a fraction of your heart, will open your eyes to the fact that – as the purist would say – it’s not about you.
Christmas isn’t a thing, but rather a sentiment, a feeling, a way of understanding the world, a moment, a memory.
Close your eyes and think of a Christmas past. Family and friends, holiday traditions, sense of stability, love and fellowship, a feeling of caring, gratitude, nostalgia. Do you recall your gifts or instances of regret? Or do you evoke the rejoicing and happiness of those memories?
What’s in it for you is the ability to be human again, even for just a little while. To experience the joy, the caring, the warmth, the generous spirit, and the togetherness of the season. To let go of all the troubles of the past, and the worries of the future, and feel the thankfulness for the present.
So who cares about Christmas? I do.