Solving the Millennials and Gen Z Paradox

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They’re soft. But we made them that way. A Paradox. The first generations to have choices and not obligations. The first generations to grow up with their parents’ wealth. The first generations to take human interactions as a tertiary outcome to social interactions. The first generations to see war as a choice and not a duty. The first generations to see apathy as way of life. The first generations who rather turn the other cheek, than risk a disruption in their lives. The first generations not to try; striving and struggling are some things only their parents had to do.

Gen X and Baby Boomers came of age in an era of “ you can take all of what you want, just as long as you don’t take it from me” and concepts like NIMBY. Carving out by what ever means necessary their place in the world; ruthless. We earned it. And now that we have it, they don’t want it. Why should they? Too easy for too long. The paradox.

Oh yes they will protest, but not at the expense of personal cost. Oh yes they care, but only when it is convenient. The internet generation who formed their opinions by consensus rather than by truths. The generation that would rather be entertained than politicized. Who search endlessly for the quick buck rather than build a lifetime of wealth.

Maybe, just maybe they have it right. Maybe things done their way are things done the right way. Heaven help us though if humankind faces another Hilter, or another Stalin, or another global famine, or another Cuban missile crisis, Rwanda genocide, Aids, Osma Bin Laden, Great Depression, Iran hostage crisis, or a Ted Bundy, or a Charles Manson.

In that case, I will stick with ruthless.

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