Talkin’ ‘bout my generation, as The Who so eloquently phrased it. Sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials and Gen Z, Gen Xs are the forgotten ‘Latch Key’ Kids. The generation who never got promoted because their Baby Boomer bosses wouldn’t retire. The generation who now bridges the gap between their tech savvy kids, and their luddite aging parents. The generation held morally responsible to their entitled progeny and their geriatric full-time care parents. The generation that has all but been an afterthought… is about to become the single LARGEST population on the planet… and the meek shall inherit the earth.
We should be grateful that our time has come to run the planet, but somehow, I think we collectively just want to pass on the job. The toughest, most enigmatic group of folks on the planet would rather take a slide. What do we owe King and Country?
I, personally, will never see a traditional retirement, and I am not alone. I will most likely die penniless, ground to pulp by my entitled children. I will eventually suffer the ignominy of being led by a generation that can’t remember to bathe let alone take care of me or lead a country to prosperity. And after being the middle child for an entire lifetime, wouldn’t we all prefer to just let everyone think for themselves, rather than continually solve our siblings’ disagreements?
We should now be the economic, influential power house. The ones who say what, where, and when. The Kings and Queens of all we see. The final and unequivocal word on how it will be. Perhaps we will finally take what has been rightfully ours for too long. Or perhaps we will simply raise our middle finger and tell the rest of the planet, ‘Eff you – you do it. I am too damned tired.’